Social Impact Committee - Kickoff Zoom Meeting

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7:00 pm

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To the Members of LEHYC: 

We are excited to announce the formation of the Social Impact Committee. With this committee, we hope to reflect on, discuss, and take action towards addressing pressing social challenges that relate to the Club's core interests and our immediate area of Long Beach Island. 

The last few months have brought to light challenges that face our country and our local communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the precarious financial situation of many Americans, while the protests following the murder of George Floyd have brought nationwide attention to the extent to which systemic racism has prohibited some from exercising the freedoms due to all. These events have compelled us to reflect on major issues of social inequality that impact the world we live in and seek ways to contribute our time and energy in the efforts to overcome them. While we have seen how these issues are being addressed on a national level, we believe it is essential to reflect within our own communities to think about concrete actions that we can take on a local scale.

The Social Impact Committee has three main priorities: introspection, conversation, and action. We hope to achieve these by organizing events and programming of our own, but also through collaboration with other clubs and committees throughout LEHYC. We welcome diverse perspectives and hope that members of all ages and backgrounds will be involved. Additionally, we are actively seeking members to get involved at the committee planning level for 2020-2021. 

If you would like to participate in our events or stay up to date on our activities, please fill out this google form. We will send out Zoom links and other committee announcements to the email address that you provide. 

We are kicking off this year with a discussion on August 18 at 7PM via Zoom. We ask participants to read some or all of the articles listed below and come prepared to talk about how they would like to see our group make an impact within our communities.  

"Talking About Race," National Museum of African American History and Culture 

Roxane Gay, "How We Save Ourselves," The New York Times (June 20, 2020)

 Ijeoma Oluo, "So You Want To Fight White Supremacy" The Establishment (August 14, 2017) 

We look forward to connecting with interested members.

 All the best, 

The Social Impact Committee
Madeline Murphy Turner (co-chair)
John McGlynn (co-chair)
Kelly McGlynn
Atlee Van Saun
Mike Reynolds
Krissy Brundage
Suzy Reynolds